Get TO Know Rachel
Iowa Roots
Born and raised in the great state of Iowa — yes, on a farm — I have found a profound passion for learning politics and inspiring Americans to get involved.
In Iowa, working hard is a given. You're taught to take responsibility for your future, to be quiet and listen so you can better understand, but also to step up when necessary. Each is equally important. Too often we think we need to have things perfectly figured out before we take the first step. From here on out however, let's all agree that in most cases, that mentality is outdated and extremely inefficient. All it takes is a little grit and some passion, and the rest will sort itself out.
My Educational Journey
I decided at the age of 18 to forego a journalism degree and instead received a master's in Exercise Physiology with a focus on childhood obesity. After writing my thesis, and upon graduation, I realized the food here is not healthy and our "health" care system is set up for failure: for treatment, not for prevention.
The most important thing I learned from grad school, aside from learning how to research, is the concept of "temporary truths." One of my advisors introduced this notion in class, and it has stuck with me ever since. Things and people evolve, and as a result, can change an entire society's perception of what is considered morally acceptable.
My Political Awakening
I voted for Barack Hussein Obama in 2008 and after not voting in 2012 due to my dislike of both candidates, I cast my vote for Donald J. Trump in 2016. I frequently discuss this shift and why I am proud to be a Trump supporter now. I hope my journey can help others see the heavy propaganda and other tactics used on us for many years.
Inspiration from George
I have every original George Magazine from 1995 to 2001 as well as both George books. Much like JFK Jr's stance, politics is too important to be left to the politicians. We must learn to put our focus on what unites us, seek to understand our differences, and celebrate the passion we share for the future of our country.
The Power of Free Speech
I believe everyone deserves a voice, even those society deems dangerous or unworthy because in the end, I trust the American people to form their own conclusions. As Louis Brandeis put it in 1927, "If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."
Join Me in Taking Action
I hope you enjoy my site, but more importantly, I hope you to take action and get involved!